Guru Shakya Senge

Guru Shakya Senge, is also known as the Lion of the Shakya. He is usually portrayed as a buddha wearing monastic robes with an alms bowl in his left hand and a vajra in his right. Guru Shakya Senge is the fifth emanation of Guru Rinpoche, and is a representation of how one can achieve enlightenment within this lifetime through dedication to discipline and renunciation. He wears monk’s robes to signify his commitment to the monastic path as a way of achieving realization. This is a gentle and gradual method of enlightenment. Guru Shakya Senge embodied true spiritual growth that was firmly grounded in reality, rather than becoming lost in a transcendent state. He maintained a balance between his high level of realization and the use of everyday conventions. His teachings emphasize the importance of understanding the law of karma and applying it in practice.

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Guru Rinpoche | Padmasambhava

L'histoire de remonte à l'Inde. Il est également connu sous le nom de . Il est le maître bouddhiste indien du VIIIe siècle. Il est une émanation du Bouddha , et plusieurs  ont évolué autour de la vie de Padmasambhava. Il est populaire sous le nom de « Le Deuxième Bouddha » à travers le , le Népal, le Bhoutan et de nombreux endroits dans le monde. Lors de l'enseignement de Padmasambhava, il a transmis le  .