Vajrasekhara Sutra

The Vajraśekhara Sūtra is an important Buddhist tantra used in the Vajrayāna schools of Buddhism, but can refer to a number of different works. In particular a cycle of 18 texts studied by Amoghavajra, which included both Tattvasaṃgraha Tantra, and the Guhyasamaja Tantra, a Tibetan text which appears to be composed of two works grouped together and to further confuse matters in the Japanese Shingon school the Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṃgraha Tantra is known by this name. In Tibetan it is considered to be the main representative of the Yogatantra class of texts.

Bouddha Vairocana – L’incarnation du Dharmakaya

est un Bouddha également connu comme l'incarnation du Dharmakaya et peut donc être considéré comme l'aspect universel du Bouddha historique Gautama. Dans le bouddhisme sino-japonais, il semble incarner le concept bouddhiste de shunyata ou Vacuité. Dans la cinquième conception du bouddhisme , il occupe une place centrale. Sa consort est Blanche. La statue de Vairocana au Todai-ji de Nara, située au Japon, est la plus grande image en bronze du Bouddha Vairocana au .